Saturday, July 11, 2009

Welcome babies of Foundies!

The classes of foundation in science have been increased to six classes from four classes for the current batch of 200 9/2010. Ranging alphabetically from class A to F, the name of each class is specified according to the number of batch of foundation programme. It starts with number, followed by the alphabet. For example, class 4B. It is categorized as so whereby it is the 4th batch of foundation, the second class it is. However, do not be deceived by the variation of alphabets as they have nothing whatsoever to do with the ranking of intelligence. It is merely a random placement sought by the deparment itself.

All the best for you Foundies! As the required CGPA for MBBS has increased to 3.5, you will have to save some eyebags sometimes. But do not give up on small things and when it gets tough, pray harder hence you will gain the strength by the tranquility of your soul.

If you have any blur please do ask!


Anonymous said...

What happens to CUCMS medic? In the news yesterday and today..

Unknown said...

hi. do CUCMS provide dentistry course?